years in the market
in AI and Data Science Education
IT experts/mentors
5 training
Enhance your skills and achieve career heights through our training! Practical courses, experienced mentors, and real-world cases will help you become a highly sought-after specialist. – become a valuable professional
Our graduates are successfully employed in the following companies:
years in the market
The project was founded in February 2021 with the goal of introducing and promoting professional development among young professionals in the IT field.

Our mission is to contribute to the country's economy by enriching the labor market with competitive specialists and enhancing IT professionals' competencies through effective training methodologies and business-oriented programs with a team of international and local experts.
About Us
Graduate Projects
Project demonstration to professionals and investors
IT skills training through real-life projects
Lectures from practicing instructors from data-driven companies
Personalized mentorship from experts
Career development support
Focus on mental health and work-life balance
Financial literacy for IT professionals
Working on real projects for portfolio
Training Benefits at
AI Engineer &
Data Science
Adilet Gaparov
AI Engineer &
Data Science
Artem Rychko
AI Engineer
Kamalkhan Artykbayev
Data Analytics
Anastasia Bogapova
Python Engineering
Talgat Abdraimov
Python Engineering
Rauan Kurmet
Python Engineering
Saniya Skorobogatko
Our Mentors
AI Engineer
Bibarys Mussagaliyev
Data Science
Ayan Nurlanuly
Data Analytics
Azat Yessenov
Enter the certificate number and press "Verify" to check its authenticity
Certificate Verification
years old – age range of program participants
participants successfully completed the 6-month programs
6 months
of working on real projects with IT experts
projects were presented during Demo Days
candidates competed for spots in the Data Science and Data Analytics courses
11 and 13
The program was developed by the International Technopark of IT Startups "Astana Hub" with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry.
Tech Orda – a funding program for training IT specialists in private IT schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Tech Orda 2022 – 2023 Results
Reviews from Our Students
If you have questions about our services or are unsure which program suits your needs, just leave a request, and we will call you back.
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